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New Year Raw Reset
Enjoy 5 days of fully raw gourmet meals to reset your digestion and promote detox.
How it works
The Raw Reset is tested and designed to give your body nutrient rich foods that are high in antioxidants and probiotics. These meals are prepared by a raw food chef to promote healing from within the body and gentle detox.
You enjoy 5 full days of meals that will keep you energized
and satisfied. You can read more and see the full
menu by clicking Here.
"I am so in love with Emily's style of "cooking." She's really inspiring me to go vegan for the long run."
What people are saying
"The food is delicious. I have been so impressed! I don't feel bloated for the first time since Christmas, I can recognize and feel hunger cues and a skin rash I've had on my stomach now appears to be clearing up...WHAT?! I plan on continuing a mostly raw and fully vegan diet once this week wraps up. Thank you so much for what you do."
"I am 28 pounds less today and feel so terrific! I have Emily to thank for the inspiration and information to make this change. She is such a blessing to me!"
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